Pass Physical Therapy

Discover freedom from pain through highly specialized and individual physical therapy.

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Have you tried other physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, other providers without the results you were seeking? Are you tired of feeling like a number in the medical model of care? You are in the right place!

Pass Physical Therapy specializes in treating people with chronic pain. This requires a specialized skill set that finds the interconnectedness of compensatory patterns that affect your physical anatomy and movement patterns AND is able to retrain the body to move differently. When this happens, your body remembers how it is able to move easily and without thought! Combining advanced skills in John F Barnes Myofascial Release and Polestar Pilates Rehabilitation Practitioner with advanced training in coaching skills to focus on changing conscious thought, Pass Physical Therapy is uniquely suited to truly facilitate the body’s innate ability to heal.

Does your body hurt all the time? Does it seem like you cannot find relief no matter what you do? Does it hurt despite trying all the things?

Are you tired of being told the pain is in your head? Or that there’s nothing more that can be done to change your pain? Do you feel like you don’t matter?

Here at Pass Physical Therapy, we commit to you that you will always be a person first and a patient second and to providing a safe place that supports you as a whole person. We understand that dealing with long-standing medical conditions is challenging and taxing. Thus we do our best to make it easy to schedule, communicate with us, and work with you so you can truly take action and be an active participant in your physical therapy. Trauma-informed care guides everything we do, from the administrative to clinical tasks for every single patient. 

Why Megan?

Megan’s primary gift is her ability to synthesize multiple pieces of information together all at once and intuitively know where to start by deeply listening to what you say and what your body tells her. She is able to explain concepts and ideas in easy-to-understand ways that make sense so you know the why. She has over 10 years of directly working with chronic pain and those conditions that other practitioners struggle with. When patients are motivated, change happens as the body is ready.  

Megan looks at the body from a fascial perspective, seeing how it works together from head to toe, from both anatomical and movement aspects. She quickly identifies compensation patterns (ways it doesn’t move efficiently as a result of injury) and communicates how it impacts what you are feeling in your body. Then helps you train your body out of the compensatory pattern… the most important part! For if you keep moving the same way while receiving manual therapy or body work, it’s a lot harder to have a long-term change!

About Me:

I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy who enjoys working with those who experience long-time pain and are motivated to live as healthy of a life as possible. I specialize in working with difficulties of the spine and pelvis while treating the whole body. Utilizing a hands-on and individually tailored approach of movement and manual therapy, I deeply believe it facilitates the body’s innate ability to heal. This is how I approach all aspects of care, finding safety and ease in movement.  

I am a Michigan native who has worked in seven total states across the country. I am highly skilled and trained in John F Barnes Myofascial Release (Advanced Practitioner), Therapeutic Touch, Pelvic Floor, Reiki Master, and is a Polestar Pilates Rehabilitation Practitioner and National Certified Pilates Teacher.

I received my Doctor of Physical Therapy from Duke University School of Medicine and a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences from Michigan State University. In my spare time, you will find me on my road or mountain bike or hiking and camping in the woods with my husband, young daughter, and two dogs Tucker and Sarabi. Personal development and spirituality fascinate me, and I spend much of free time reading, learning, creating and being in community in this space.


Pass Physical Therapy operates out of Cairn Medical with Dr. Mary Louder, DO. This link will take you to create a Patient Portal where you will be able to request an appointment with Megan directly.

Here at Pass Physical Therapy, we are out of network for insurance and do not accept Medicare or Medicaid.

To allow us to treat you for who you are and what you are experiencing! Insurance often dictates the standard of care instead of what you getting what you really need, especially those people who have chronic pain. Also, when insurance is involved, we can only see you for the the body part you are referred for. When we our out-of-network for insurance, we can treat your whole body.

Why is that?

Our bodies are a beautiful, integrated and fully connected! We cannot treat one area of the body without looking at another, especially when chronic pain is involved! Think about if you hurt your ankle and you have to limp, what happens to your hip or knee over time? They start to ache or hurt if our ankle doesn’t heal fast enough… because we are all connected! We have to address the WHOLE body in order facilitate healing!

Why is this important?


55 minute Follow-up: $175

55 minute Evaluation: $250


Located in Cairn Medical

Parking located behind the building or downtown.

Cairn Medical

36 W 8th St #200

Holland, MI 49423



  • Chronic pain, back pain (neck, mid back, and low back), headaches, pelvic pain, SIJ pain, sciatica, hip and shoulder pain, pain and issues related to scar tissue from surgery, fibromyalgia, Ehlos-Danlos Syndrome, side effects of long-COVID, chronic Epstien-Barre Virus, and chronic Lyme disease. Many others as well. Please inquire!

  • We value creating a safe container that facilitates the body’s innate ability to heal. We value deep compassion and courage to step into the unknown of healing. We believe that you have the capacity to heal, and we are blessed with the honor to facilitate your process. We are welcoming of all beliefs, genders, body sizes, color, identities. It is our job to create safe container no matter who you are. Megan welcomes constructive conversion if a disparity arises.

  • Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts 6 months or more. It is estimated 20.9% of United States adults experience chronic pain where 6.9% experience debilitating chronic pain that greatly impacts daily activities according to the Centers for Disease Control.

  • Our pain nerves respond to pain by crossing a threshold of stimulation that signals to the brain pain, which catches our attention and says “warning!” Over time, the nervous system changes the way it responds to a pain becoming more sensitive due to the baseline creeping closer to the threshold. As the body experiences more and more pain, the baseline creeps higher and can even cross over the threshold resulting in pain all the time. This then changes the way your move and hold your body, causing compensation patterns to try to avoid the pain. Over time, this can compound and build making it feel like the body hurts all the time no matter what is done. Pain is caused in many ways… physical injury / trauma, emotional angst, stress, childhood trauma, unhappiness, etc. Megan has a strong network of professionals for referral to create a comprehensive team for you.

  • Fascia is the connective tissue that holds you together, like a spider web that creates your physical structure, including soft tissue. The web runs through your cells, including the nucleus of the cells. Thus restrictions in fascia in one location of the body can creating impact another location. Think about a cobweb in the corner. When one attachment to the wall is released, it collapses on itself. Fascia is similar yet can find mobility again through specific techniques called myofascial release IF the nervous system is taking into account.

  • Polestar Pilates is a contemporary form of Pilates modified and adapted from the radiational exercises of Joseph Pilates by Dr. Brent Anderson, PhD, PT, OCS, who is a physical therapist and has his PhD in movement science and rehabilitation. He has adapted Pilates into focusing on stability over strength while decreasing compensation patterns and retraining the nervous system to move with ease. Doesn’t this sound like something you would want in your body? Megan believes that stability is more important than strength and flexibility. If the body cannot hold itself together at the joints and move easily and freely, then it will continue to move in compensation patterns.

  • Every moment of every day is a choice, a choice of getting a drink of water, eating food, saying good morning, even how we choose to move to do those tasks. Now here is the thing, we don’t realize it’s a choice because it’s become so automatic (a habit). My role as a physical therapist is to bring awareness to the automatic choices or habits so you have choice. Once there is choice, then it’s time to learn and take action on a new way, whether that is how you move or when you choose to do your exercises. And in this way by using your mind, you are able to train yourself to act in a new way.

  • A very simple definition that captures the feel of trauma-informed care is treating everyone as if they are having a very terrible day for we do not know the true reality of their life experience, which shapes and morphs their reality. This is imperative from every aspect from first contacting us to schedule, the process of rescheduling, before, during, and after your appointment, and all other communication from us.

  • Absolutely! Healing takes a team and only you ultimately know what you need. If you have questions about how do you know if someone is good for you, lets definitely talk!

  • Megan is the only physical therapist at Pass PT at this time and is managing most aspects of the communication. Reach out with any questions!

  • We will talk about you journey, giving you plenty of time to share your story. Then we will do a comprehensive examination and then create a plan specifically designed for you. At follow up appointments, we will continue to develop and modify this plan based on what is and isn’t working. More details about your first session will come via email once your first appointment is scheduled.


Pass Physical Therapy operates out of Cairn Medical with Dr. Mary Louder, DO. This link will take you to create a Patient Portal where you will be able to request an appointment with Megan directly.

Contact Me:

For any questions, please reach out to and someone will be in touch with you shortly.

*** Disclaimer: contacting Pass Physical Therapy through this website is not HIPAA compliant. Please email with any inquiries to stay HIPAA compliant. Megan is available to see patients in the State of Michigan where she is licensed as a physical therapist. ***